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GST Number - 24AAMCM2730Q1Z2
Allopathic Medicine

Allopathic Medicine

Product Details:


Allopathic Medicine Price And Quantity

  • 95 INR
  • 100 Pack

Allopathic Medicine Trade Information

  • 500 Pack Per Day
  • 4-5 Days

Product Description

Our team of skilled professionals' efforts and assistance enable us to create and deliver a premium selection of Allopathic Medicine. Our goods are renowned for their utmost purity and precise formulation. The latest technology and the best materials, in accordance with global standards, are used to create the supplied assortment. Additionally, we provide a variety of Allopathic Medicine in the shape of tablets and capsules that are inexpensive and simple to obtain.

  • Hygienically safe
  • Effective in use
  • Instant results
  • Reasonable rates


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an allopathic medicine?

a system in which medications, radiation, or surgery are used to treat symptoms and diseases by medical doctors and other healthcare professionals (including nurses, pharmacists, and therapists). additionally known as biomedicine, mainstream medicine, orthodox medicine, conventional medicine, and Western medicine.

What is homeopathy vs allopathy?

Allopathy focuses on the specific organ or body part that is damaged, but there is always a chance that adverse effects and infections can spread to nearby body parts. Given that homoeopathy treats the entire body, not just the diseased region, and has no adverse effects on other bodily parts, it is typically risk-free.

What is allopathic doctor called?

Allopathic medicine was described as "the broad category of medical practise that is sometimes dubbed Western medicine, biomedicine, evidence-based medicine, or modern medicine in a 2001 study by the World Health Organization (WHO). In a global research, the WHO employed the phrase to distinguish between Western

Why is it called allopathic?

Hahnemann was the one who first used the word allopath. The phrase was meant to convey, in a derogatory manner, that early 19th-century conventional practitioners primarily dealt with the symptoms of disease; they made little effort to avoid illness or deal with its underlying causes. 

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  • 50
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